Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Pubs (& an award in the gang, too)

Here's some news and a promise (at the bottom)...

I got the good word about winning a 2012 AWP Intro Journals Award. My winning poem "National Acoustic Symphonic Academy" will appear in Hayden's Ferry Review.


More grace: 2 poems accepted for publication in New Delta Review. Their names, you ask? "Future Birthdays" and "Monday Afternoon, Frame-by-Frame," good sir!

Here's promise time -->  As I'm about to graduate and realize all the extra time I may have, I'm going to post things on this blog at least once a week! Let's not get ahead of yourself, Matt, and promise daily. Though that would be a neat goal to reach.

M. out, weblings!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Reading (now)

Just bought The Braindead Megaphone by George Saunders. That'll be started tonight.

Cloud Shaped Room came in today. Very excited to re-read a fellow WVU MFA-er (alumnus): Matt Anserello.

Starting the Matthew Zapruder saga, too. Step one: American Linden.

For fiction...

(oh, what?)

I was gonna overload with some more Saunders, but I should probably not. SO, I have Aimee Bender's The Girl in the Flammable Skirt in my bag. But I also find myself lonely for Millhauser's The Knife Thrower.

Peeves Me

Please, no more sickly gushing, high-falootin praises and/or critiques of poetry.

Why can't we talk about poetry in terms of how we enjoy it, like how we'd consider food or music.

Aaron Rote and Matthew Zapruder helped me come to put words to that realization. Thanks, chaps.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Thesis Other Side

As of Monday, March 5, 2012 I have submitted my thesis for defense.

The title is Disaster Recovery Drawer.

And it's great to feel like I'm able to work and read again!


Also, I just updated my publications to include links to the poems.

Friday, January 27, 2012

This gray day

Quickly, before class...

Jennifer (my fiancee) got me The Twilight Zone Collection II for Christmas.

I watched episodes last night. They were about dolls.

Oh, and Serling was there. We were all there.