Monday, March 7, 2011

Thin Kimono

So I just noticed I never updated the Michael Earl Craig situation.

Got Think Kimono.

Read Thin Kimono.

Thought Thin Kimono was surprisingly illogical of MEC. And I mean that in all the right and wrong ways. Actually just the right ways.

It's been a rewarding experience for me. This is what poetry should feel like. I also feel like I get a sense of MEC's growth as a poet from book to book. TK was a predicted growth yet with a windfall of possibilities. He did things I didn't expect and kept me tripping for the things I already like (while evolving those techniques even more).



And this is for all of you

An Joyous Occasion

Got the good word over the weekend: 5 of my poems will graciously be published in Connotation Press. I will keep you in the loop.

Working on some neat stuff lately. You be prepared.